Guest Blogs

A Little Pressed

A Little Pressed

Over a year ago, I was diagnosed with a spine condition requiring surgery to maintain mobility, but surgery was postponed. My spine stole the feeling in my arthritically bent fingers and created numbness, pain, and tingling. Trauma from an accident added pain, loss of...

Testing Out New Genres

Testing Out New Genres

Guest Blog: Mandy Eve-Barnett I have always written my stories, without limiting the narrative with a specific genre in mind. I enjoy the flow of words, and the surprises that arise from my characters. A story may start as one thing and morph into another entity...

Character Growth

Character Growth

Guest Blog By Linda J. Pedley A reader picks up a book as a form of escape, a getaway from real life to forget about now and get lost in wherever. The author employs techniques to ensure the reader has a good reading experience. Because readers relate to the main...

Top Three Recommendations for Overall Wellness

Top Three Recommendations for Overall Wellness

Guest Blog: Kelsey Hoople The dictionary describes Wellness as the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort. I include the soul because I feel it’s an often-overlooked aspect of wholeness. We must feel fulfilled...

Covida and Me

Covida and Me

Guest Blog By Katherine Restoueix When news of the pandemic was scary last March, I started making my own masks and checked the web for ideas. Then I received a Facebook challenge from a friend to post once a day for ten days on the topic of "Being a Mom." The...

A Play in Creativity

A Play in Creativity

Guest Blog By Gerry Morita In February, I started teaching an online course for Mile Zero Dance, What’s the Score, on Mondays and Fridays from Noon to 1:30 pm. It is designed to be a creative process seminar. We move at the start a bit, research the different...

Wading into Design

Wading into Design

2021 is my year to wade into the ocean of social media posts and build my brand. In preparation, I spent the summer social distancing and taking pictures of parks and surroundings. Other photographers shared images for use in my social media designs as well. The sun...

Setting My Foot On The Path

Setting My Foot On The Path

Guest Blog By Alison Clarke Setting my foot on the Path, as a poet and fantasy author, it’s a freeing and magical thing. Like writing, walking is creative and enjoyable, and has helped me to write Phillis: A Poetry Collection coming out on October 15, 2020, by the...

Finding Inspiration in a Pandemic

Finding Inspiration in a Pandemic

Guest Blog By Wendy McGrath I just finished teaching EKPHRASIS: WRITING ABOUT ART--an online course through the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Extension. When I agreed to teach the course, I had no reason to imagine I would  deliver it in any other way than a...

The Artistic Practice of Adaptation

The Artistic Practice of Adaptation

Photo and Performer: Kaylee Borgstrom When I applied to have my piece Beautiful Soul considered to be a part of Nextfest 2020, I had no idea that we would be in a pandemic and under social distancing guidelines during rehearsals and the performance dates. Beautiful...