Over a year ago, I was diagnosed with a spine condition requiring surgery to maintain mobility,...

Author ● Choreographer ● Dance Artist
About Alison
Alison Neuman is a writer, author, producer, choreographer, dance artist, creator, and playwright who is passionate about sharing underrepresented voices and building communities.
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Testing Out New Genres
Guest Blog: Mandy Eve-Barnett I have always written my stories, without limiting the narrative...
Character Growth
Guest Blog By Linda J. Pedley A reader picks up a book as a form of escape, a getaway from real...
Top Three Recommendations for Overall Wellness
Guest Blog: Kelsey Hoople The dictionary describes Wellness as the quality or state of being...
The Silver Lining in the Dark Cloud
Guest Blog By Rick Lauber What was the biggest news story from 2020? Undoubtedly, it was COVID-19...
Covida and Me
Guest Blog By Katherine Restoueix When news of the pandemic was scary last March, I started making...